Research studies seeking participants

Mechanisms of Gesture Observation’s Impact on Learning
Approved on:2024-09-18
Brief purpose of the study:The purpose of the study is to test whether the way we learn words affects our recognition of them.
Brief summary of what participants will be asked to do:In the first session of the study, you will be presented with English words and gestures and complete a brief background survey and measure of tone deafness. Your brain activity will then be measured using a special net of sensors called electroencephalography (EEG) as you listen to Mandarin words. You will then learn 12 Mandarin words by watching a video of a native Mandarin speaker conveying how they sound and their meanings. You will be presented with these words on a computer and asked to remember them. During this time, your brain may be stimulated using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a non-invasive neurostimulation method used for research and therapy. Your recognition of the pronunciation and meanings of these words will then be examined using EEG shortly afterward and a week later. You will also complete three additional tasks: a brief test of tone perception, a demographic questionnaire, and (if receiving tDCS) a survey of side effects before and after stimulation. You will receive $15/hour and a $5 bonus if both sessions are completed, or , or 1 research credit for every hour of participation, up the credit cap for the particular course. If you do not wish to participate in the study, you can arrange an alternative extra credit opportunity with your instructor, which will take the form of reading a pre-approved scientific paper and writing a 2 page report.
Basic eligibility criteria:Age 18-35 Native English speaker No knowledge of tonal languages (e.g., Mandarin, Cantonese, Thai)
Study contact for more information:Name of Principal Investigator: Laura Morett Title: Assistant Professor Department Name: Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Email:
IRB Number:2097277 MU
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