Research studies seeking participants

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Title Basic Eligibility Criteria
Social Media Messages about Motherhood Participants need to be at least 18 years old, and a mother or maternal guardian of a children who is under the age of 18.
Immune Response to COVID-19 Bivalent Booster Vaccination Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women and Their InfantsInclusion Criteria: - Pregnant women (18-50 years of age) who plan to breastfeed; - Do not have anemia (determined from first blood draw); - English-speaking; and - Have already received a COVID-19 vaccine and are planning on receiving a COVID-19 bivalent booster during pregnancy - Infants of mothers in this study
Hyperpolarized Xenon as an Inhaled Gaseous Contrast Agent for MRIAdults, age 18 and older, with or without a diagnosis of a lung disease. Children age 7 and older, with or without a diagnosis of a lung disease.
CAT BITE Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Durations for the Hand/Forearm (CATBITE): A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blinded, Clinical TrialInclusion criteria -Patients greater or equal to 18 years of age. -Bitten by a cat. -Location of bite is the hand and/or forearm (distal to elbow). -Presenting <24 hours following a cat bite to the hand/forearm. -English speaking Exclusion criteria -Patients who present with active local or systemic infections. -Received antibiotics within the past 30 days. -Patients unwilling to take study medication. -Pregnant women. -Type I hypersensitivity reaction to any of the study interventions. -Immunocompromised patients (primary and secondary immunodeficiencies). Primary and secondary immunodeficiencies can be found at the following link.
HYPERPOLARIZED XENON MRI IN TREATMENT OF SEVERE ASTHMA BY MEPOLIZUMAB: TOWARD EARLIER DETECTION OF INDIVIDUAL PATIENT RESPONSESDiagnosed with asthma, at clinical baseline, and about to start on biologic therapy. Ages 12 and older.
Mechanism linking dietary fiber, the microbiome, and satietyAged 20-55 years, overweight or obese, generally healthy but with at least one characteristic of the metabolic syndrome, willing to consume study provided meals, not on a special diet or weight loss diet, no weight fluctuations in the last 3 months, willing to provide fecal samples, willing to provide blood
Cross-cultural acceptability of interventions that may increase control over the end of life in patients with dementia People with early dementia who have the capacity of providing their consent to participate in the study, are able to fill in a questionnaire, and have an interview (with some help, if needed). Participants decision making capacity will be evaluated prior to participation in research study: assessment will take about 10 minutes over the phone and will entail assessing the person with dementia's ability to consent (as stated in the Assessment Script.
Effects of Whole Almonds on Immune Health and Responsiveness Age: 30-45 years BMI: 30-45 kg/m2  Willingness to consume study foods    Consistent diet and activity patterns for 4 weeks   Weight stable Non-smokers No allergies to study foods or lidocaine allergies
Interdisciplinary Play ProjectTo be eligible, your child must be 4-5 years of age.
Disruption of semen liquefaction using specific KLK3 inhibitors as a new contraceptiveA healthy male in the reproductive age (18 years or older)
Instrumented Assessment in Ambulatory Children with Cerebral PalsyWe are seeking children aged 7-17 years old with and without cerebral palsy. Children should be ambulatory without an assistive device, and English speaking.
Short Term ApoE-dependent Cerebral Blood Flow and Lung Perfusion Response to Sirolimus in Cognitively Normal AdultsHealthy adults aged 45-65
Sex disparities in the direct and modulatory effect of the β-adrenergic receptors in hypoxic vasodilation and impact of obesity.18-45 years old, No acute or chronic health conditions.
The Role of Fathers in Children’s Emotion Regulation and Compassionate BehaviorsFathers of children between 3 and 8 years of age
Tonic GABAergic inhibition during the repair phase of human strokeAdult (18 to 80 years) patients who have arm weakness after a stroke and are undergoing inpatient rehabilitation at Rusk Rehabilitation Hospital. Adult (18 to 80 years) healthy controls who have no major neurological, psychiatric, or hand/arm orthopedic issues.
Maternal response in the fallopian tube to the presence of sperm A healthy male in the reproductive age (18 years or older). You will be prescreened to determine the eligibility for a research study. The prescreening will take ~5 min.
Utility of Ultrasonography in predicting clinical response following prostate artery embolization in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms from benign prostatic enlargementMales, greater than 45 years and older who have moderate to severe lower urinary tract symptoms that have not responded to medical treatment.
Youth and Caregiver Executive Functioning StudyYouth 11 to 17 years of age and a parent or caregiver
Effects of Immigrant Characteristics on Welfare Attitudes Experimental Evidence, and Does Context Matter? Support for Administrative Burden in Welfare ProgramsWe will launch a project on Prolific and MTurk to recruit respondents. Respondents’ participation is completely voluntary and all individuals should be living in the United States who are 18 years of age or older. Prolific is an online surveys site that primarily works with researchers looking to conduct academic surveys. The surveys posted to the site are unique in nature and pay generously compared to similar survey websites. People from over 30 countries are invited to join the website to take surveys offered by academics, startups, charities and businesses. The MTurk Human Intelligent Task (HIT) description is effectively the recruitment plan for the study. The HIT description must include clear and accurate information about participation, such as compensation, duration, and the types of tasks Workers will be asked to do. In our study, participants must be adults located in the United States to be included in the study. We will also screen for past MTurk approval rate, starting with a minimum approval rate of 99% and reducing the minimum as necessary to recruit sufficient numbers of respondents.
A Way Forward - Way Finder Initial PhaseHave to be a parent of children aged 18 and younger, need to have English as their first language.
The interplay between androgens, insulin, and adipose tissue metabolismAge 21-45 years of age, overweight, elevated hormones in blood (testosterone)
Novel Treatment for Brain Insulin Resistance and Hypoperfusion in Obesity All subjects will report being healthy adult men and women, 18-45 years of age, BMI ≥18 kg/m2, non-pregnant, non-breastfeeding, and non-nicotine users.
Young Adults' Alcohol Consumption Over 12 Months Study website URL: Participants Needed for Study Investigating Alcohol Use We are recruiting participants for a 12-month research study investigating alcohol use. Individuals between the ages of 21 and 29 who regularly drink alcohol (at least once a week) may be eligible. Participation is remote and, over the 12-month period, involves two Zoom meetings with lab staff, five web-based questionnaires, and four 2-week periods of completing brief surveys on your smartphone. You will be compensated up to $690 for your participation. Participants in Boone or an adjacent county will be eligible for participating in the lab session. Please contact Dr. Trull and project staff at for more information.
Neural responding to infant distress cues over the transition to motherhood Mothers: First time expectant mothers over the age of 18 years old in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy not experiencing pregnancy/fetal development complications expecting a single birth. Mothers need to be right-handed, without head injury or neurological disorders. Controls (childcare): Females (i.e., biological sex assigned at birth was female) aged at least 18 years who are not parents/have not been pregnant/do not plan to become pregnant who will be beginning work in childcare centers. Control participants need to be right-handed, without head injury or neurological disorders. Controls (non-mothers): Females (i.e., biological sex assigned at birth was female) who are of average child-bearing age comparable to that of our sample of mothers (24-33yrs), do not children, have not been pregnant/do not plan to become pregnant. Controls (non-mothers): Females (i.e., biological sex assigned at birth was female) are at average child-bearing age (24-33 yrs) who are not parents/have not been pregnant/do not plan to become pregnant. Control participants need to be right-handed, without head injury or neurological disorders.
Attachment, Cognition, and Emotion StudyAfrican American and European American (not Hispanic/Latinx) male and female undergraduate students between the ages of 18-25 years who are born in the United States. Eligible participants should not have experienced a significant head injury, have been unconscious for longer than 10 min, have multiple sclerosis/epilepsy/other neurological disorder.