Research studies seeking participants

Lipoprotein kinetics in T1D
Approved on:2024-10-11
Brief purpose of the study:The purpose of this research study is to understand how type 1 diabetes increases the risk for cardiovascular diseases (heart attack and stroke). We will evaluate lipid metabolism. We will also collect samples for additional analyses in the future.
Brief summary of what participants will be asked to do:You are being asked to commit to a screening visit and two study visits in the Clinical & Translational Science Unit (CTSU) located in University Hospital. The screening visit and one of the study visits require about half a day of your time. The other study visit lasts about 36 hours and includes an overnight stay. During your participation in the study, you will be fed through a tube that is advanced through your nose into your stomach, have metabolic tracers infused into your blood and have several blood samples drawn.
Basic eligibility criteria:Adults between 18 to 45 years old. Either healthy or has Type 1 diabetes.
Study contact for more
IRB Number:2097324 MU
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