Research studies seeking participants

Online survey and interview experiences
Approved on:2024-06-10
Brief purpose of the study:To understand the experiences, challenges, and preferences of diverse users when participating in research studies (participation in online surveys, interviews, or usability testing of websites).
Brief summary of what participants will be asked to do:Survey participants will be invited to take a survey about their online survey and interview experiences. Participants may also be asked to volunteer for a follow-up interview. Help us create better online survey and interview experiences! We encourage people with and without disabilities or impairments to take this survey. Why? Because with a better understanding of what frustrates users, we can develop ways to improve the user experience. We hope this study's results will make online surveys, interviews, and usability testing less frustrating and more inclusive. People who take the survey about online surveys experiences can enter a drawing to win a $20 Visa gift card. People who also volunteer for a Zoom or phone interview that lasts 30-75 minutes will be compensated with a $50 Visa gift card. Survey is available at
Basic eligibility criteria:Survey: Age 18 or older Interview: Age 18 or older and identify as having at least one disability or limitation
Study contact for more
IRB Number:2105566 MU
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