Research studies seeking participants

The Impact of Visual Imagery on Spatial Working Memory Recall
Approved on:2024-07-12
Brief purpose of the study:This research aims to uncover the cognitive mechanisms of visual working memory and spatial imagery. We seek to understand how participants use these skills to process and manipulate information under various levels of cognitive load.
Brief summary of what participants will be asked to do:Participants will engage in a computer-based experiment consisting of multiple task blocks that test visual memory and spatial imagery. These tasks will challenge participants to visualize and remember information presented on a screen, responding to different scenarios to assess their cognitive abilities under varying conditions.
Basic eligibility criteria:Must be 18 years or older. No known cognitive impairments that affect memory or visual processing. Must have normal or corrected-to-normal vision.
Study contact for more information:Hamid Nourbakhshi (Researcher): Dr. Nelson Cowan (PI):
IRB Number:2101803 MU
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