Research studies seeking participants

Eating and the Nervous System Response
Approved on:2024-10-09
Brief purpose of the study:The purpose of the study is to better understand how healthy adults respond to different food and drinks.
Brief summary of what participants will be asked to do:Participants will be asked to complete one research visit on the Mizzou campus which is expected to last about two hours. Participants will complete questionnaires and participate in food/drink trials with different foods/drinks. During the food/drink trials participants will be hooked up to monitoring devices which will measure their chewing and swallowing, as well as their blood pressure and heart rate. Participants will be asked to complete questionnaires before and during the food/drink trials and have their height and weight measured.
Basic eligibility criteria:Healthy Adults 18-50 years old
Study contact for more information:For more information, email Dr. Crystal Lim (PI) at or contact the Mizzou Health Psychology Research Lab at 573-882-6832
IRB Number:2117387 MU
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