Research studies seeking participants

Hyperpolarized Xenon as an Inhaled Gaseous Contrast Agent for MRI
Approved on:2024-12-05
Brief purpose of the study:The study is looking at how the air moves in the lungs using inhaled hyperpolarized xenon gas with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
Brief summary of what participants will be asked to do:Participants will undergo breathing tests and an MRI with inhaled xenon. Some participants may complete some questionnaires, and be asked to take either albuterol and/or sildenafil during the study.
Basic eligibility criteria:Adults, age 18 and older, with or without a diagnosis of a lung disease. Children age 7 and older, with or without a diagnosis of a lung disease.
Study contact for more information:Contact Radiology Research Study Coordinators via Email: or call 573-884-5372
IRB Number:2011732 MU
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