Research studies seeking participants

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Title Basic Eligibility Criteria
The interplay between androgens, insulin, and adipose tissue metabolismAge 21-45 years of age, overweight, elevated hormones in blood (testosterone)
Novel Treatment for Brain Insulin Resistance and Hypoperfusion in Obesity All subjects will report being healthy adult men and women, 18-45 years of age, BMI ≥18 kg/m2, non-pregnant, non-breastfeeding, and non-nicotine users.
Young Adults' Alcohol Consumption Over 12 Months Study website URL: Participants Needed for Study Investigating Alcohol Use We are recruiting participants for a 12-month research study investigating alcohol use. Individuals between the ages of 21 and 29 who regularly drink alcohol (at least once a week) may be eligible. Participation is remote and, over the 12-month period, involves two Zoom meetings with lab staff, five web-based questionnaires, and four 2-week periods of completing brief surveys on your smartphone. You will be compensated up to $690 for your participation. Participants in Boone or an adjacent county will be eligible for participating in the lab session. Please contact Dr. Trull and project staff at for more information.
Neural responding to infant distress cues over the transition to motherhood Mothers: First time expectant mothers over the age of 18 years old in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy not experiencing pregnancy/fetal development complications expecting a single birth. Mothers need to be right-handed, without head injury or neurological disorders. Controls (childcare): Females (i.e., biological sex assigned at birth was female) aged at least 18 years who are not parents/have not been pregnant/do not plan to become pregnant who will be beginning work in childcare centers. Control participants need to be right-handed, without head injury or neurological disorders. Controls (non-mothers): Females (i.e., biological sex assigned at birth was female) who are of average child-bearing age comparable to that of our sample of mothers (24-33yrs), do not children, have not been pregnant/do not plan to become pregnant. Controls (non-mothers): Females (i.e., biological sex assigned at birth was female) are at average child-bearing age (24-33 yrs) who are not parents/have not been pregnant/do not plan to become pregnant. Control participants need to be right-handed, without head injury or neurological disorders.
Attachment, Cognition, and Emotion StudyAfrican American and European American (not Hispanic/Latinx) male and female undergraduate students between the ages of 18-25 years who are born in the United States. Eligible participants should not have experienced a significant head injury, have been unconscious for longer than 10 min, have multiple sclerosis/epilepsy/other neurological disorder.
Mechanisms of Gesture Observation’s Impact on LearningAge 18-35 Native English speaker No knowledge of tonal languages (e.g., Mandarin, Cantonese, Thai)
Effects of Lean Beef Consumption on Cardiometabolic Health and Gut MicrobiomeInclusion criteria include: Age: 18-45 years of age BMI: 18-35 kg/m2 Willingness to consume study foods. Willing to comply with study protocol. Consistent diet and activity patterns for 6 weeks Weight stable (≤5 kg change over the last 3 months) Non-smoker >1 year or more
Examining verbal and nonverbal communication in individuals with Autism Spectrum DisorderOf age specified for the study (between 2 and 35) Native English speaker Diagnosed with ASD or not IQ >= 70 Right-handed
Construct Validity, Discriminant Validity and Calibration of the Sensory Profile Interoception ScaleAdults 18 years and older
Sex-specific effect of restricted sleep on brain healthAll subjects will report being healthy adult men and women, 18-45 years of age, BMI 18-30 kg/m2, non-pregnant, non-breastfeeding, and non-nicotine users. Women must be premenopausal. Women must have a negative pregnancy test (urine). Individuals with regular menstrual cycles will be studied in the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.
Supporting Agricultural Transformation through Elderberry Production in Rural and Urban Landscapes [Phase 2]To participate in the survey one must be an elderberry grower that is 18 years of age and older, located within the United States, and grows and sells fresh or value-added American elderberry/flower (Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis) products.
Trial of Propranolol in Older Adults with Primary Progressive AphasiaAge 50 and older, have a diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia and be a native English speaker. For healthy controls, no PPA diagnosis is necessary for inclusion.
Lipoprotein kinetics in T1DAdults between 18 to 45 years old. Either healthy or has Type 1 diabetes.
Harnessing macrophage lysosomal lipid metabolism in obesity-associated diseasesBetween 18-70 years old; not pregnant or breastfeeding; weight stable and sedentary before enrollment; no use tobacco products, excessive amounts of alcohol, or dietary supplements, or medications known to or suspected to affect glucose and lipid metabolism; and no evidence of significant organ system dysfunction or disease (e.g. chronic severe kidney disease, cancer).
Examination of viruses secreted in human fecesAdults over 18 years of age that currently have GI problems.
Perceptions of Organizational Training & Development18 or older Have previous work experience (volunteer and retirees apply) Live in the U.S.
MU School of Medicine Participant Registry for Research (PRR)18 years and older.
High protein diet and atherosclerosis (HPA)Man or woman aged 45-75 years old
MRI Sequence Development, Radiofrequency Coil Testing, and Protocol OptimizationHealthy adults ages 18 and older.
Advancing Radiology TechniquesSubjects age 6 years and older.
Preliminary Validation of the Weekly Calendar Planning Activity for Youth with and without Autism Youth with autism ages 12-18 who are enrolled in middle or high school or home schooled AND Youth ages 12-18 who are enrolled in middle or high school or home schooled
College Well-Being StudyParticipants must be undergraduate students at the University of Missouri who are 18-23 years of age and have internet access.
Development of the Harm Reduction Knowledge and Attitude Scale (HRKAS) Participants must be 18 years old and a student in the eligible MU departments.
Epithelial sodium channels in endothelial cells and arterial stiffening Participants aged between 18-35 years at the time of enrollment will be recruited. Healthy volunteers are individuals without hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, renal disease and medications. Clinical hypertension is diagnosed when systolic blood pressure is ≥130 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure is ≥ 80 mmHg. Obesity is diagnosed as a body mass index (BMI) > 30. Participants with hypertension on medication, or obesity with or without diabetes on medication, are eligible for recruitment.
Maternal Health Resources in Rural Communities A woman that has recently had a live birth and identifies living in rural Missouri Healthcare Providers that work with women that have recently given birth in rural Missouri WIC Coordinators that educate women that have recently given birth in rural Missouri Lactation Consultants that educate women that have recently given birth in rural Missouri Other individuals that support and/or provide educational services about nutrition to women that has recently given birth and live in Rural Missouri.